Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1991, Florencia Montefalcone is an interdisciplinary artist currently pursuing her double major BFA at California Colleage of the Arts. Focusing on Life Performances as her research field, Montefalcone carries out prompts throughout her day to day to question and challenge the paradigm of social femininity she grew up in. She documents aspects of the performances and these self portraits impulse the formation of new paradigms and understanding of her female experience. This spirit is put into handpainted and woven experimental garments she can later wear as amulets for protection and strength. Montefalcone's work is multifaceted and takes the shapes needed to communicate experiences and feelings of her experimental life performances.

Congratulations @veronica ! You have the most expensive piece in the whole Altamira website. Would love to see how that light turns on, consider some pictures of it. Also, what does it mean to reconstruct an abandoned clock and what is that fantasy world about? It reminds me of 80's graphic design and the whole American TV sitcom aesthetics that are very much back in fashion-- what are these aesthetic elements to you and why did you choose them as the facade for the sculpture? Great work! Thanks for sharing, hope these questions help. #repurposedmaterials #sculpture
