Romina Nacuzzi was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on July 23, 1974. From a very young age she felt attracted to art and her first drawings were always related to facial expressions.

During her childhood she took lessons in painting, music and a few years later in sculpture, but it wasn't until she discovered her connection to the holistic, energetic and natural medicines that her art began to express itself.

His first works sought to connect with those inert faces and then delve into the expression in their eyes, where the artist manages to reveal the energy and light that his paintings transmit.Today he continues in his search, learning, listening and having fun while creating, without losing the magic.During 2021 he presented some of his works at the ArtGalery and Carrousel gallery of the Louvre Paris. In 2022 he will participate in another sample that will be held in Italy, Europe, London and Spain.

beautiful artwork, I love the expression of the look