Madeline Maser is an intuitive surrealist whose work focuses on allowing her subconscious to take the reins; she starts with random lines and gestures she then whittles away from and adds to until the piece finds its final form.  

Her work explores how consciousness informs reality, the human psyche, and the absurdity of physical existence. These thoughts guide her free-associative way of creating, as her realizations can be expressed beyond the limiting tool of language.

By allowing these thoughts to form with as little self-editing as possible, she catches glimpses of buried self-reflections and releases these thought forms into the physical realm, hoping to solidify these mini-awakenings into the collective consciousness.

When Madeline is not pulling from her subconscious, she will study living forms, trying to understand the mysteries of our mortal coils through a pataphysical breakdown of the figure through abstracted lines and shading, hand-drawn textures, and color.

Thank you so much! I love when people get into the details 🤗💖

This is wild, I love it!
