Artist Biography: The person behind the brush

I Graduated as a Mastery Student from the prestigious Milan Art Institute.

Was born in a charming small town on the banks of the Vaal River and currently resides in South-Africa, Pretoria.

Creating art has always been a great love of mine.

Jullie-Ann says: "with just a pencil & paper I could escape any bad situation by discovering another world where no problems existed.. for that time"  

“Discovery” is my passion.

"Later in life, she discovered her extreme talent in art and was courageous enough to take the plunge and became an internationally accredited permanent make-up artist.

This path led me to her ultimate dream of becoming a professional fine artist."

I see myself as a lifelong learner and am motivated by a powerful craving to experience new things.

I do this by experimenting and pushing boundaries, creating unique works of art. My art is bold; sometimes a risky process, while exploring and incorporating different, unexpected mediums & tools.

I use energetic colours and stay current with trends.

My process is all about the joy of discovering and encouraging people to find the overlooked beauty in people and nature.

Married to my best friend and together we have 2 teenagers. As a family, we love to travel and explore.

Favorite quote by Vijay Fafat is: "Never mourn the loss of map.There remains a world to discover."

Nothing to see here... yet.
