screen time

  • cool face.jpg
Fan - 4 Expert - 37

this portrait of my friend was done live on a facetime call, very free brush strokes make it my favourite work!

Responses (3)

!piece @user #hashtag

September 08, 2022

Touché.. 🙌🏻 Your critique elevates the narrative and brings to light our evolution in the ever changing world of technological advances & human shift! Thanks for sharing the accurate insight..

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John Crowther
John Crowther Critic

September 07, 2022

Changes in modes and styles of artistic expression are rare, and changes in forms of perception are even rarer. While the former is often related to technological innovation, the latter is always the product of scientific advancement. Photography, acrylic paint, steal working, and any other invention that could be appropriated for creative expression have opened new doors for artists to explore the world. Sometimes, however, these developments also allow and compel us to see ourselves and the world in new ways. Probably the most remarkable of these visual revolutions was the introduction of the airplane and its inevitable marriage with the film camera. Suddenly, humans could see the world and themselves in a hitherto unprecedented fashion that has become even more ubiquitous with the widespread availability of drones. james richardson’s screen time is a beautiful and humorous take on a more recent perceptual shift: the increasingly common experience of seeing oneself reflected in the tiny box of a video call.

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james richardson

September 08, 2022

Great writing my friend 👍🏻 thanks very much

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John Crowther
John Crowther Critic

September 08, 2022

Thank you so much for sharing the work. It really got me thinking about (especially since covid) how much our visual and not just social experiences have changed!

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Zoe Downing
Zoe Downing Artist

August 28, 2022

Really beautifully done. The warm tones in the face are nicely balanced with the background shadows, earrings and shirt. I also love that you chose to paint someone from a FaceTime call.

To me, the expression portrays what I usually feel as a bit of awkward self awareness from seeing myself in the screen while talking to someone else. It's a distraction that I wish we had the option to turn off.

Lovely work!

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james richardson
Portrait, Figurative
Painting - Framed
Oil, Canvas
12.00 inches wide
24.00 inches tall
1.00 inches deep
2.00 lbs
canillas de aceituno, MALAGA, ES