it's a BIG world

  • BartosA_ItsABigWorld.jpg
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This is our cat, Sophie. She loves the outdoors and even through the glass, she thinks she can reach that tree branch. For Sophie, anything is possible.

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John Crowther
John Crowther Critic

August 02, 2022

ANDREW BARTOS’s it's a BIG world is a painterly feline allegory for human curiosity and fear. The desire for exploration drives so much of our lives and the history of our species. In many ways, art is a manifestation of this intrepid urge. Creating and appreciating art are direct forms of exploration. Both artist and viewer want something new, a fresh lens through which to see the world and enrich their subjective understanding with that of others. However, fear often dissuades us from acting on our inquisitive tendencies. We fear how others will view our differences, the dangers of the unknown over the safety of the familiar, and what we might lose of ourselves in pursuing experimentation. These concerns cause centuries of creative stagnation in art and generational conformity. For me, the most interesting question posed by it's a BIG world is not why the cat wants to escape the house into the outside world, but if the cat would venture out if presented with the opportunity.

We all long for excitement. We all fantasize about stepping out of our comfort zones, but how many people do? And how can you blame them when change is considered almost synonymous with danger? Without some degree of caution to temper our curiosity, we could easily descend into reckless behavior, but without our desire for the new, we would never advance or grow. The metaphor of the cat longingly pawing the thin layer of glass separating it from the great outdoors is so apt because the cat can see the new horizon and watch the tantalizing birds and squirrels but remains infinitely separated from them. However, one can always find an open window.

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August 02, 2022

John, thank you for this review. I appreciate it. And you're right. We always have at least one open window in the house for when the spirits are calling.

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Animals, Impressionism
Work on Paper - Unframed
Pastels, Paper
5.75 inches wide
10.50 inches tall
0.00 inches deep
0.25 lbs