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Thread and string lashed to metal on an ornately hand-carved wooden frame.

Responses (1)

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John Crowther
John Crowther Critic

April 14, 2022

A mixed media masterpiece, David Gallo’s Eye, brings disparate artistic elements together into a united and evocative whole. The work's pronounced conceptual and compositional daring is visually successful only by virtue of Gallo's masterful ability to combine materials that seem impossible to harmoniously channel into a cohesive work. The twine and string that constitute much of the foreground and background hold together (probably not literally) the other elements and create something that approximates abstract painterly mark-making. The metal ring in the upper left-hand corner acts as the visual focal point of the work and draws the eye to the sculptural eye of the enigmatic composition. The intricately carved frame is reminiscent of folk artworks, as are the quotidian materials that form its overall foundation. A painting, a sculpture, or something in between, Eye is an undaunting exploration of how far we can push the aforementioned mediums.

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David Gallo
David Gallo Creator

April 16, 2022

Wow, thank you for the kind and thoughtful review.

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David Gallo
Abstraction, Folk Art
Wood, Natural Fabric, Metal
16.50 inches wide
12.00 inches tall
1.00 inches deep
2.00 lbs
Brooklyn, NY, US