Bullets For Peace

  • Bidinelli_Bullets for Peace_30x24 high resolution.jpg
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"Bullets for Peace" is made of a bunch of used paint tubes (about 250) - whether they may be oil, acrylic, or gouache. Working with discarded materials, I come to reflect quite a bit on the concept of things' lifespan and waste. Instead of throwing them away, I recover them and create for them a second chance at life in new forms.

These tubes have been working for me over the years and I want to celebrate their role as my partners in crime in this journey which is called art. They express the idea that the only war humanity should ever fight would be the one that uses, symbolically, “weapons” of art. Art is a tool of healing because brings peace, knowledge, culture, prosperity to our societies and it is the best way to be in harmony with the world.

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!piece @user #hashtag
John Crowther
John Crowther Critic

December 21, 2021

Paola Bidinelli’s "Bullets For Peace" is an intricate work with environmental implications that go well beyond its painterly assortment of elements. The composition lies somewhere in-between the idiosyncratic assemblages of Joseph Cornell and the Abstract Expressionist crushed car sculptures of John Chamberlain. Like Cornel and Chamberlain, Bidinelli is preoccupied with the creative possibilities of refuse. Can garbage be art, and if so, was it garbage in the first place? Painting is not often thought of as a vocation particularly detrimental to the environment, however, evidenced in the sea of empty paint tubes, the painter’s pigment comes at a cost. Not only is there a great deal of plastic and metal waste from the discarded containers of oil and acrylic, but the very process of paint manufacturing is tremendously poisonous to the environment. As Bidinelli points out, art can be a weapon when pointed in the right direction. It can call attention to what we would otherwise ignore. Let’s hope it does before it’s too late.

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Paola Bidinelli
Historical and Political, Semi-abstract
Mixed Media - Unframed
Metal, Acrylic, Rubber, Canvas
30.00 inches wide
24.00 inches tall
4.00 inches deep
60.00 lbs
Orem, UT, US